Sunday, June 17, 2012

Charity 1 Corinthians 13 It is interesting to note that the word "charity" is mentioned 9 times in this short chapter. Why nine? Because it shows the trinity in triplicate! The Father is all three in one; the Son is all three in one, and the Holy Spirit is all three in one. They are all the essence of love and what it is to us. No speech, no matter how grand it may seem, amounts to anything at all unless it is laced with charity. Benevolence, kindness, consideration, all these are entailed in charity. Charity is love, as God is love; it is more than mere giving of alms. Charity "outshines" all other gifts, and stands premier above all the rest. Notice that it is even put above faith! What an amazing thing this is. Charity is the paramount virtue in our lives; it entails compassion, praise, dedication, and all other good qualities all wrapped into one bundle. It is righteousness in action; it is a metaphor of grace; it is godliness in thinking; it is goodness in practice; it is sanctification in spirit, and many other things. It is the total package for the Christian. Paul emphasizes the place of charity, and the importance of it. No sacrifice is greater; no blessing is more to be desired; no act of kindness is equal to it. There is no greater duty; no greater joy; no greater virtue than charity. It is action as well as emotion, focused at God as well as man. It is a gift, most precious, Jesus incarnate! Here are just a few of the attributes of charity. It is the guiding factor in our Christian walk, (vs. 4-7). Here we have the attributes of charity; here we see its value. We have here the strength of charity (v. 8); it "never faileth" when properly applied. Though all other gifts run their course and lose their strength, charity never does. There has been much speculation as to what "that which is perfect" refers to, but keeping things in context, the subject here is charity. "That which is perfect" must be a perfect love, or charity, and since it stands above all else, it will outlast all else. Yes, charity is perfection; it is the essence of truth and everything good, and merits the highest praise. When charity comes, everything else will fade away. Here we see the rise to maturity. We need to realize that there is a time to "grow up" in charity, and not have a childish or ignorant picture of it. The exercise of charity is the utmost of maturity, and the apex of the Christian ideals. We may never completely attain to what charity is, but we ought to always be reaching toward it, and heading in the right direction toward it. These illustrations may help us to see a different side of charity, and to apply it in the proper way. Paul uses parables and illustrations in his teachings quite often, and he seems to be the epitome of teaching and what teachers are to be. Charity reveals what we really are. If we ever attain to the great height of charity, we will not know only in part, as we do through prophesy and knowledge, and such, but we will know fully and completely the workings of the love of God. Our view of life and self is somewhat cloudy right now, and vague, but we see through the humility of charity what we really are, "when that which is perfect is come", or when we finally do reach the goal of the virtue of charity. These seem to be the "big three" in the Christian walk, faith, hope, and charity, but look at the greatest of these (v. 13)! This is similar to David’s mighty men, there were three, but there was one that was even greater than the other two, and so it is with charity. Charity is love, but it is the very core of love, it is concentrated love, focused in a finer direction and a more concentrated area. Love is paramount to all things, everything comes out of love. Charity, like grace, is freely given; if it is not received freely and unmerited, it is not received at all. You cannot buy charity; it is not earned, lest it lose its essence; it is either free, or not at all. Love, according to man’s reckoning, is conditional; it is given to some, but withheld from others; charity is not so, it is given to all who will receive it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Evil Upon Evil “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” (Gen. 6:5) Today I feel as Lot must have felt, My soul is vexed daily with the evil of this world. Even the city I live in is said to be the crime capital of the world, or the country at least. With mayhem on every side, anarchy and political betrayal rampant in our government, and untold murders and molestations, it is no wonder the Lord is displeased with our country. It seems as if evil is piled up on top of evil creating a vast mountain that reaches far beyond our scope of understanding, and it is rapidly getting worse! It sure makes one long for heaven that much sooner, but the Lord is with His people. He will deliver us from evil, and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. It seems that we live among constant trouble, and few are the reprieves of joy, but there is hope in the Lord. The heart of man is desperately wicked, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9) We all know the truth of this verse, but the really scary thing is that the heart is deceitful “above all things”, friends, that is scary. The heart of man is the most wicked thing in the world--no, in the universe, and we all have one inside us! Evil seems to grow; it is progressive in the fact that one evil act promotes another, and that another, and on the cycle goes. Only the blood of Jesus can remedy it, and only faith in Him will wash our sin away, and cleanse the putrid heart within. Let us all, as Christians, hate the evil, and love the good (Amos 5:15), and obtain the favor of the Lord. “Ye that love the Lord hate evil.” Psa. 97:10