Monday, June 17, 2013

Rolling with the punches

Rolling with the punches

“Rolling with the punches”--an idiom meaning to patiently take what is sent your way.

    When life comes at us full force, and everything seems to be helter-skelter, we usually strike out in anger.  A thought, or deed, done in anger is usually the wrong way to handle a situation. 

Phli. 4:5 says, “Let your moderation be known unto all men.  The Lord is at hand.”
Man reacts to disasters in four ways:

1. Anger, as already stated. 
    An urge to “fight back”.

2. Frustration (Usually from unexpected tragedies)
    The “Why me” attitude. 
    Self pity; downcast, or crying.

3.  Bitterness (The worst reaction of all)
    Looks for someone--something to blame.

4.  Roll with the punches.
    The proper way to handle a threat. 
    In life, you can expect to be “hit” sometimes, it is inevitable.
    Don’t stay down; get up and go again.  In so doing, you beat the tragedy, you win!  This is the proper way to handle it.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How nature speaks of God

Psalm 19

How Nature Speaks Of God...

When I  see the universe...I think of how BIG God is
When I see the sun...I think of how bright and beautiful God is
When I see the moon...I think of how He is Light in a dark world
When I see the mountains...I think of how majestic God is...only God could create something so majestic as a mountain.
When I see the clouds...I think of how clean, and pure God is
When I see the grass... I think of how God helps and desires us to grow and bring forth fruit
When I see the trees...I think of God's strength, whether there is a tornado, a hurricane, an earthquake, or a flood, God is still strong and never comes "uprooted."
When I see the birds...I think of God's provision, the birds depend totally upon God for their sustenance and He always provides!!!
When I see the season change...I think of how that God is always with us, through out the different "seasons" of our life God is there, and He NEVER changes.
When I see the flowers...I think of how God can take something that is dead and make it alive and beautiful...
When I see the stars...I think of how God leads us,  he led the wise men with a star, and so we are led by the Creator of the stars.
When I see the green pastures...I think of how God is our shepherd... He leads, restores, comforts, and shields us from the "ravening wolf" (the Devil) who would try to come and devour us
When I see the dirt...I think of how God formed man from the dust of the ground...God took dirt and made a man..who else could do that???
When I see lightening...I think of the power of God
When I see water flowing...I think of the Living Water
When I see the sunset...I think of peace of God...there is nothing more peaceful than a sunset
When I see the ocean...I think of how even the wind and waves obey Him  (what a lesson we could learn from the wind and waves, they obey His very command, we're to big for that--we have to question God and understand why before we obey???)

Our pastor preached a sermon a few weeks ago about attributes of God... he said this statement that has stuck with me ever since...."God does not just patch up our old life, He gives us a brand new one. "  That is soooo like God, he does not just take our old life and put duct tape on it, and glue us together here and there, he takes our old life and gives us a brand new one...He is not in the business of repairing of but of replacing...Just thought I'd share these things with you!!

Sent to me by: Christina Galbraith (my daughter)