Thursday, August 15, 2013



1. Availability
    Probably the most important ability the Christian could have is availability.   Until we make our selves available, the Lord cannot use us, or at least will not. 
    Availability means that we are willing to go wherever He commands; to do whatever He wishes; and to be whatever we are expected to be.  We need to give ourselves to the Lord, and to His service, whatever level of service that may be. 

    Many emphasize “Lordship salvation” as if that were the supreme factor in our serving the Lord, and obtaining His favor, (Andrew Murray for one), but the Bible says that it all begins with Faith:

“But without faith it is impossible to please him:”  (Heb. 11:6 in part)

Without faith, we have no real beginning in the Lord.  So, we begin our new life with faith; our next step then would be baptism.  

    Baptism is the first act of obedience in the service of our Lord.  If we “fudge” on baptism, often we go no further in the growth process, nor in the service of the Lord.   This, of course, always follows salvation by faith, and is never a part of it, or precedes it. 

    I suppose then we have what is normally referred to as “Holy living”  It is not only expedient, but necessary to obtain the favor of our God.  Obedience stands paramount to nearly every other aspect of the Christian life beyond this point.   This is where the confusion of Lordship salvation comes into play; many precede the faith with the obedience and get the doctrines backwards.  Repentance is often seen as a prerequisite to salvation, although they both come at the same instant that we accept Christ as Savior.  Repentance is our part, while salvation is God’s part.  All this aside, availability is the key to being used of God. 

2. Dependability
    In preparation for service dependability is probably at the top of the list.  If we are not dependable, what good does it do us to be available?   We are like a foot out of joint, or a broken tooth (Prov. 25:19)   We can become a “sore spot” in the work of the Lord if we are not dependable. 
    The word “faithful” is probably the closest word in the Bible to being dependable.  Since we do not find “dependable” in the Bible, we must use the word Faithful, though it is used in many ways as truth; honesty; integrity; etc.  It is quite expedient then that we realize the value of dependability.  A man that we can depend on is worth mountains of gold to the ministry.  No preacher, no man alone can do the work of stewardship completely, not without interacting with others--with people they can depend on.   “Assistants” are for that purpose, and they must be dependable to be of usefulness.   Dependability is indeed an important commodity in the work of the Lord, in fact, it too is a necessity. 

3.  Responsibility
    This three-fold outline is useless if one of the three is left out.  Availability and dependability are no good without responsibility.   A man who is responsible will get things done; he will meet any challenge head on, and seek the guidance of the Lord in the matter.  He will act for the betterment of the Lord and His church, and for the good of man.  Our responsibility lies in the doing of all three of these, the Lords will; the churches growth (promotion of the Gospel), and the betterment of man.  Improving on what has already been established is the responsibility given to all of us.  We are to build on the foundation that Christ has laid, and seek His guidance as we go; this takes durability on mans part. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Body, soul, and spirit

Body, Soul, and Spirit

Man is a triune creation, composed of a spirit, a mind, and a body.   Below we have six ways that these can be arranged, and the probable characteristics of each. 

THE FIRST: body, mind, spirit.
The body controls the mind, and the mind controls the spirit.
    This is the most dangerous of the six stages, or conditions of man.  These believe that “anything goes”; self is god, sensuality dominates their life.  Self is always first and foremost in their walk; this is self worship at it’s worst, humanism at its best.
    It is representative of agnosticism, atheism, reprobates, etc.  man in his worst state.  This is the state of most men and women today.

THE SECOND: mind, body, spirit.
The mind rules the body, which in turn rules the spirit.
    This state is a little better, but still is not in proper order because the spirit is last.  This person may be a “man of the world” wise in it’s ways, and little interest in spiritual things whatsoever.  He may be successful, aggressive in business, responsible and “respectable” in society, a “good citizen”.  He pays his debts, has a good standing in the community, but he is lost!   

THE THIRD:     mind, spirit, body.
The mind rules the spirit, which rules the body.
    This one sounds good, but it falls short of what we should be.   This is the “Pharisee” in us; “religious”, but probably unsaved, (the spirit is controlling the body though, and that is good).  This person will not accept many of the biblical principles by faith, but needs to figure it out first; his attitude is “prove it, and I’ll believe it”.   This type has a false god, not made with hands, but made in his mind.  He has a distorted view of God and godliness.  
    This category will include liberals, cultists, heretics even, leagalists, and all sorts of perversions.  They invade the “theological seminaries (or cemeteries!), deceiving young people by the hoards.  They are more concerned with figuring God out than serving Him.

THE FOURTH: body, spirit, mind.
This individual has the body first, then the spirit, and then the mind.
    Here is a  “believer” the spirit controls his mind, but unfortunately his body controls his spirit.  He is probably saved, but his “religion” is based on feeling instead of faith.  He will usually be drawn to the charismatic movement.  His music will be contemporary, sensual, (rock) with perhaps Christian words; she will wear excessive make-up, drawing attention to her face, and he will let his hair grow out.  Their clothes will no doubt be revealing, since the body is first in their structure.  He, or she may be sincere, but the flesh has much too much control; “fads” and popularity are big on their agenda, and will dictate their standards.

THE FIFTH: Spirit; body; mind.
The spirit is first, so this person in undoubtedly saved, but the body controls the mind, which makes their system helter-skelter. 
    That is the sad part; this Christian is sincere, but unproductive because he or she has not disciplined the body.  They may be lazy, fearful, or sick in the faith, but the spirit does not rule the body.  He/she may get good grades in school, will probably be in deep debt because they have no schedule or budgeting.  These are usually dominated by laziness, procrastination, and those are probably their worst problems, but their life is not in the proper order of godliness. 

THE SIXTH; spirit, mind, and body.
This last one is the very best of all; the only true way, the way of righteousness.
    This is a Christian that has the victory over the temptations of the mind and the lusts of the flesh.  The spirit rules; it is dominate in their make up, and they walk with their God.  This puts their priorities in order, with Christ first, and the mind under His control, and the body subject to both spirit and mind. 
    This man or woman will no doubt be concerned for the lost, a “soul winner” and possibly a “prayer warrior”.  They may be “apt to teach”, putting others first, and their own needs behind them.  He or she will read their Bible regularly, and study the blessed Word and stand against the unruly evil of the world and the tongue.  They will take a stand against sin in any form or “color”.  The are the true “fundamentalists” of our day, and most likely they will be Baptist!