Saturday, May 22, 2010

the Nut

The Nut!

The nut that has a hard shell surrounding its meat is protected from the elements and the prey that may desire to sift and ravage its heart. The outside, though hard and useless is often a help to the nut, a protector of its precious fruit. Hardness then is not always bad--not when it hides the fruit from evil! In our world today, we must be nuts! We must be somewhat hard on the outside, but tender and good on the inside, although the hard shell must first be cracked open to reveal its treasure. Oh what a joy the meat is when we finally crack open the hard shell!

The cares of life will often harden the sweetness of the Christian, but thank God that the Spirit dwells within, and once the shell is penetrated, the sweetness shines through in all its glory. Hardness is not necessarily justified--it would be much easier to get to the fruit if we did not have break open the shell, but it is there for a reason. Nothing comes without sacrifice; little of worth comes without work. No labor equals no fruit; it is the same in nature as it is in the spirit. It is better not to have been hardened by life, but if we are, let us concentrate on getting to the fruit; The hardness is a shield, or wall, that we feel we must put up-- a defense against the evils of man, but it is time to throw down the stronghold, and let the fruit be discovered; only then are useful to God and man.

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