Saturday, August 7, 2010

I am…

I am…

I’m stuck in a world I do not want;
I’m bored out of my gourd, and there is nothing amusing here;
Nothing seem to attract my interest,
So I just stay inside…a recluse.
I don’t have friends, I have no fellow to share with;
I am sick unto death,
And await my final redemption.
The wait is long, and tedious,
And it seems the end is too far off.
I feel like a prisoner in a body of flesh;
A body that will not do right;
A “cell” of my own making,
And yet, I seek to feed it more.
Oh, I find comfort in my wife,
And great fellowship and companionship,
But there is no other;
No man to talk “man talk” with;
No one seems to want to share the blessings of God.
In a sense, it’s a lonely world,
This world I live in;
My greatest friend is He that is invisible;
My Friend, Jesus.
I can spill my heart out to him, and He always listens;
He comforts me when I am blue,
And rebukes me when I am proud;
I guess, in reality,
He is all I need in this loathsome world;
He is all I desire.
He is all I need.

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