Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Virtuous Woman

Virtue (Prov. 31:10-31)

The “virtuous woman” of scripture (Prov. 31) is virtuous toward her husband, as well as toward God; a careful reading if the text will reveal this; see how many times her husband is mentioned, and her virtuous deeds focus on him and the family. It is then to him that she must prove her virtue by her service and her character. Thus, she truly is priced “far above rubies” (v. 10), especially in this day and age. She “seeketh not her own” as is said of charity, and which describes her as a charitable woman (v. 20). Yes, she indeed “shall be praised”. Her acts are toward her husband, and her household, and she takes great care at home. Do you see that the text is for man and his betterment? She is to serve him, and that is her virtue.
Woman was created for man, and not man for the woman (1 Cor. 11:9). Thus, she is a servant to man, but more than a servant, a helper in all respects. She is, in fact, such a helper that man could hardly function without her help, but that help is not needed by God, only by man. She is not “below” man in degree, nor above him in honor, but she is honored in her rightful place in the home. She is a great “keeper at home” (Titus 2:5), and is to be obedient to her own husband, not in cruel subjection, but in tender affection. Now, she is to be obedient regardless, but the text does not make her a slave, per se, but a queen of her home, with queenly rights and privilege; but even the queen is subject to the king. Her virtue then, is seen in her subjection; it is seen in her compassion; it is seen in her humility; it is seen in her beauty, which is her godliness. When she is in her right place with the Lord, she will be virtuous toward her husband, and others will take note.

One preacher puts it this way: “The man is the head of the home, and the woman is the heart of it” He goes on to say that no body can function without a head or a heart. Women, enjoy the place the Lord has given you, you are needed there, and no one else can fulfill that need like you can.

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