Sunday, October 16, 2011

Bible Math

Bible algebra: Can you figure out this equation?

3 (3) (three days and nights)
+ MT (tomb)
A Risen Savior

Written correctly:

3 (3) + M T tomb = A Risen Savior.

This equation shows us that there is math in the Bible. In fact, the Christian life is a life of addition and subtraction. We are to add to our faith (2 Peter 1: 5-7), and we are to subtract, or take away some things from our life (example: Gal. 5: 19-21). It is a life of multiplication (such as multiplying ourselves by winning others to Christ) and division (separation from the world and from the carnality of the flesh). Yes, there is math in the Bible, and we are to be master mathematicians in application of it, and we can be, by the grace of God. We can do all things through Christ which strengthen us. If it makes us stronger in our service, we can do it; if it makes us “stronger” in love for Christ, we can do it; if it makes us stronger in faith, we can do it, all through Christ who also is our strength.

I have always liked math—basic math, that is, and nothing is more basic than this Bible math. We need to apply these to our lives, and see that God is good in prospering us.

Jesus + you = others;
God + 1 = anything good;
God + Jesus + the Holy Spirit = security for me.

Man -- worldliness = purity;
Man – self = humility;
Man – sin = forgiveness;

1 God x 1 man = soul winning;
1 Savior x 1 man = salvation;

Man / faith = separation

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