Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Second Coming of Christ

1 Thess. 4:14-18

The hope of all the church is the return of Christ for His own. Satan seeks to downplay this doctrine because when we look to the second coming, the world loses it’s hold on us. The economy is no longer so important; politics loses it’s power in our lives; gas prices take second place to the Lord, as does everything else. Yes, the second coming takes first place over all that this world has to offer--or at least it should! Today it is in question among many “believers” as to whether there is a second coming or not. Some see it as an allegorical fallacy, while others view it as a futuristic event that never is obtained in this lifetime. There are many various thoughts concerning the second coming, but we, the elect know that Jesus is coming soon and we shall walk with Him in Glory. This still ought to be our motivation, our hope, and our great joy, and it shall stand paramount to all the doctrines and teachings of mankind until that final step takes us into the heavenly realms, and we shall see Jesus. Let it always be first in our desires, and hide itself deep into our hearts, and never, ever forsaken lest we fall short of the blessing and forfeit our reward as we work for the Lord.

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