Thursday, December 10, 2009

12/10 "The Early Bird..."

The Early Bird

I usually get up, and out of bed before the “crack” of dawn. I sit, and wait for that lazy old sun to rise, and for a new day to begin; sometimes it seems as if it will take forever, but then I see it wakening and stretching its arms across the sky. I can almost see that first yawn of brightness, as the sun peeks over the horizon, and I know then that soon he’ll be lighting my day. He will send some heat my way, along with the brightness of his glory. Yes, old sol, that great orb in the sky will shine for another day, and then slowly fizzle out and sink once again into a deep slumber below the western horizon, and the cycle begins anew after awhile. It is a “natural occurrence”; it is ordained to be so every day until the final day when the Lord decides that the time has been fulfilled, and He sets this earth at rest. Until that day, I hope to rise early and spend the early morning hours with Him; I hope to have some quiet time—some “quality time” with my Lord, and to finally rest in His bosom at the last day. I hope to use the daylight hours to glorify my God, and to uplift His glorious name. It’s what happens between sunrise and sunset that matters most though, because that’s when I am available for His service; that is when I function the best. Some mock my patterned life, but let them mock; some miss out on the joy of the morning and the fellowship of their God because they are as lazy as the sun itself, and rise just as slowly; they fizzle out quickly and seek the repose of the slothful, and dread the coming day ahead. Let them rest, and I will glory in the morning, in the presence of my King.

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