Friday, January 15, 2010

1/15 Quips from Hosea

“I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues; O grave, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from mine eyes.” (Hosea 13:14)

Finally, and I saved this one for last, the Lord has defeated Satan, death and hell, and has passed that same victory unto us! We have a promise from God for this victory, and He will not repent of it, it will surely come to pass. The passage speaks of Calvary, the summation of all the promises and hopes for the Christian through Christ. We can insert our names in the “them” of this verse, and consider it a valid promise for the church as well as the nation of Israel.
One is reminded of 1 Cor. 15, the “resurrection chapter” of the Bible. We have a more sure hope in Christ with the knowledge of a resurrection, which is the completion of the Gospel. Without the resurrection, our hope would be no more than that of many cults and false religions. Praise the Lord that He has given this promise, and fulfilled it Himself in Christ.

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