Saturday, October 8, 2011

Little Things

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” (Son 2:15)

Thank God that He is the God of “little things” also. He blesses us in little ways, that many would laugh at, or be amused that we even mention it, but God takes care of the minor details before they become a major defeat. You see, we are alert to the important things, and we prioritize them and keep our guard up against them the best we can, but the little things, the seemingly insignificant things that go unnoticed and unattended seem to pass us by, and they amass themselves into mountains in our life. The “Little things” of life that seem to have no bearing on our service for the Lord, or have no connection with the spiritual realm, often pile up against us, and seek to destroy either our testimony or our attitude toward the Heavenly things. Take time to thank God for the “Little things” that He attends to on our behalf, and He will gladly see to the bigger and more destructive things that come our way.

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