Thursday, October 8, 2009



Is it really wrong to be jealous? Didn’t God Himself say that He was a jealous God? I believe that it is all right to be jealous, but not to an extreme. In fact, I’ll go a little further and say that we should be at least a little jealous—it shows that we care! Man is naturally possessive; we are possessive of our wife, our children, our pets, everything we consider dear to us, we are possessive of, and jealous for. Though society has been critical of a jealous relationship, we must realize that we are not conformed to societies’ standards, neither their “philosophies”. Since when did society dictate our actions and standings with the Lord? We ought to be jealous of our loved ones; if we are not, perhaps we do not love them enough, or in the proper way! Ten times in scripture, the Lord claims that He is a jealous God, or is referred to as jealous by others. Are we better than Him? I know that we are not. We can be jealous of our wives, and we can be jealous for our Lord. That is not to say that we do not trust them, but that we do not want others to abuse them, or desire to morally or ethically harm them; jealousy has nothing to do with trusting their fidelity.

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