Saturday, July 24, 2010

Warfare in Witnessing

Every time we witness to someone there is a battle going on! There is an unseen conflict between the forces of good and evil, the one pulling one way, and the other, the other way. This warfare can leave one mightily confused; the subject may not know which way to turn, and so he/she does not do anything at all. The tragedy is theirs, but the problem is ours! Our “weapon” in this warfare is the Word of God, used as a sharp two-edged sword that pierces into the flesh, and cuts to the heart. If we wield the sword properly and skillfully, our subject will be freed from Satan’s grasp, and we have made an ally; but if not, we have lost the prospect, and he may never get another chance to escape the dungeon of the devil. We cannot blame this on the weapon, the blame must be on the wielder of that weapon and the cunning by which he uses it. Many times it is up to us; it is in our field of glory that we win or lose a battle for a soul. Of course men are saved solely by grace, but the wielder of the sword has a responsibility to His King, and an oath of honor to do all that he can do for the King’s glory, and of course, a debt is owed to the benefactor of his skill in the wielding of the Sword.
Friends, we need to be precise; make sure that our swath is wide enough; be sure to use the right Sword, and to choose your words carefully; remember, to many of our prospects this is virgin soil, they do not always understand the words and phrases we use. Be sure to use the right scripture so that we are not tempted to impress them with our knowledge, but to drive the sword home, clear to the hilt if necessary, and the best results are obtained. It is the sword that does the work, be sure to allow it the freedom it needs to cut to the quick, and instead of death, it will bring life--life forever more!
Give the cut time to bleed! Let the convicting power of the Sword of the Lord run its course; be sure not to force the Sword where it will not be effective--aim for the heart. The good swordsman-servant has patience; there is no hurry when the sword has cut, they will bleed out! Be wise; be patient; be true to your King, and go forth into battle with the assurance that your King is at your side; He fights the main battle, you are merely the wielder of the sword. He determines how deep the cut is, and how much it bleeds--It is the King that determines the path of the Sword, and He that delivers the prey from our hand, or gives him over to us in complete victory. He has the power and the ability to do so. Let us pray that our adversary remains unseen, so that we do not run in flight at the sight of him; let us stand boldly and fend off the fiery darts of evil that come our way, and wear the armor of God our King for protection, and go forth praising the glorious name of our King, and keep His message to mankind fresh upon our lips, shouting as we go.

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