Thursday, September 24, 2009

Abel’s Death

Abel’s Death

The question is asked, “If God had a plan from the beginning for the redemption of man, why allow Abel to die, and have to replace the lineage through Seth?” This is to clarify, mostly, only one point, that the grace of God is given freely, and is not “owed” to any of us. God does not have to grant us His grace, but distributes it according to His will. We ought not to expect grace from a demanding viewpoint, and “obligate” our Lord to give it, but we should beg for it, and earnestly seek it from a loving and merciful God. God has a plan; He will accomplish His plan by some means, as well as bless His children also. He is a God of multi-purpose. It is up to Him to execute His plan according to His design, and we are not to question or dispute it. I do not know the reasoning behind Cain and Abel, except that God almost always chose the younger instead of the elder to do His bidding and to accomplish His will.

Perhaps there was something that God did not tell us about Abel, after all, there is no reason to tell us his faults; our Lord need not explain or answer to us anyway, He does what He wills, and we are to accept it. “Blind Faith” you say? Exactly, but faith in a most trustworthy God who is able to do above all that we could ask or think. Abel was a sinner like the rest of us, but God had chosen Seth instead of Abel to usher in the holy seed, and to give Christ a heritage in the human sense. It really matters not why.

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