Friday, September 18, 2009

Bless the Lord

Bless the Lord

Bless His Holy name; “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy name”. He has lifted me from the pit of despair, and rooted me from the depths of despond; He has quickened me again in His Word, and has filled me again with His Spirit. He has taken me from the abyss of doldrums to the clouds, and still set my feet upon solid ground. Bless His Holy name.
I set out to search His Word, with a tragic heart and in a fit of depression, and He lifted me up. He gently lifted me through His beloved Word, and graciously set me down on solid ground again. So gentle, and yet so firm, His hand, and such compassion I have never known from another. How could I but turn to Him and love Him for all the grace He has bestowed upon me? “Oh see that the Lord is good, His mercy endureth forever.” I will praise Him from the deepest depths of my heart, and from the rooftops I shout to the glory of God; Oh that I might know Him better, and intimately, as one should, and can. He has afforded me to draw close to Him, and my joy is overwhelming. Let me see thy presence oh Lord, and bask in the glory of thy brightness; let me learn to love thee entirely, and in truth, and with my entire being. “Bless the Lord oh my soul, and all that is within me”: bless His Holy name forever, and ever more.

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