Saturday, April 17, 2010

An Unknown Tongue

The Language of Love

Who can know the mighty depths of the Love of God? The most loving person this world has ever known has but touched the outer fringes of the love of God. It was love that brought Christ down from Heaven, and love compelled Him to die at Calvary’s hill. His was a love that is unapproachable, and yet, by the grace of God, we are privileged to know Him intimately. Only the heart can understand true love, and yet no man can reach unto the heights of the love of God.

What language does God speak?
The language of joy; of peace, and a tender moment;
Perfect love, and everlasting Mercy:
The language of the heart.

Surely He doth speak in an unknown tongue.

Who understands His great Wisdom?
Who knows His perfect love?
Who can tell His absolute Truth?
Who discerns the heart of man?

Surely He doeth speak in an unknown tongue.

He hears the voice of sorrows,
The silence of a broken heart;
He hears the agonizing cry of a single tear,
And He sends His angels to help.

Surely He knoweth the unknown tongue.

The heart speaks a language unknown to man,
But God knows all its thoughts;
He answers the need of the crying soul,
His blessings He doth impart.

Surely He heareth the voice of the heart;
He speaketh in an unknown tongue.

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