No Balm in Gilead?
Is there no balm in Gilead? The Lord asks this question in Jeremiah 8:22: “Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” The problem was the indifference of God’s people to His will and to the law (His Word). Just two verses before this, God, speaking through Jeremiah, makes another observation: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” We all have grown lax when it comes to serving our God. At times, we do well, but then we seem to “peter out” and slack off on the things of God. We are a busy people, it seems, but perhaps busy in the wrong things!
Remember the old strong smelling salve that was good for wounds and scrapes and burns? You don’t see it any more, modern medicine has consumed it. I remember a balm (we called it “salve”) that my mother used to rub on our sunburned skin to soothe us. It was a smelly, brown salve that was thick and pasty, but it did relieve the pain. The question is asked “Is there no balm in Gilead?” I re-phrase it for us today “Is there no balm in churches?” Is there no balm in our homes, and in our places of work? Where is the soothing ointment that we used to see so frequently? Is there not an aromatic, sweet smelling salve of the Holy Spirit to comfort us, and heal our wounds?
There are spiritual wounds that beset us; some are slight abrasions, and others more severe, even fatal, but there is also a Physician here. There is a soothing Balm in Christ. Jesus is called “The Great Physician” by some, and indeed He is the healer of the body as well as the soul. Jesus is the balm of the church, the “balm of Gilead, if you will. He is able, and willing to comfort us against the spiritual wounds of lust, envy, jealousy, and contentions; He is the balm that will heal us. That is not to say that this old body will not suffer ever again, it wears out through years of use and abuse, but there is an ointment for the soul, and that is everlasting. The comforting hand of Jesus will never wear thin.
There are doctors today who treat illnesses, but they cannot make the body heal. Only God can fuse the skin back together again; only He can make the scrapes disappear, the doctor merely applies the right medication, and then the Lord does the work! Doctors do the right thing to prepare the body for healing, but God does the actual healing. No doctor is truly a healer, give praise where praise is due. There is a balm in the churches today, in the form of the Holy Spirit of God. Balm was a medication to heal pain, but Christ is our medication to heal the anxieties and troubled hearts of His people. All the counseling that doctors do, they cannot give the peace that the Lord gives us; when they experiment with troubled minds, they are, at best, guessing, and “practicing” medicine on us, but Christ is thorough, and He heals the perplexing vanities of our minds and hearts. The old balm that I remember had been perfumed so that it did not give off an unpleasant odor; Christ is a sweet smelling aroma, a perfume for the stench of sin, and the stink of a worldly life.
Take the “Balm of Gilead” and apply it to your life; take Jesus as your Savior and see what wonders he will perform through you. Take Him even while your healthy, and not just when aches and pains prevail; He is the Balm of Gilead, the Great Physician for the soul, and the Medicine for our troubled minds. He cures the heartaches and the headaches of life, and comforts us when we are troubled. There is a cure for your “blues”; there is a cure for your worries and your depression; there is a friend for the lonely, a companion for the forlorn, and a hope for the hopeless, all in the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus will carry you through the storms, and set your feet upon solid ground. Won’t you ask Him to save you today? Remember Jeremiah 8:20: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Will this verse describe you, my friend? Now is the time of salvation, “(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)”
Gypsy Martindale
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
3 divine loves
There are three great loves in my life, all others are subordinate to these three:
My first love is the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing supersedes the Love I have for Him. Men have jeopardized their lives for love of the Lord, because He has blessed them beyond comprehension. Thus, the Lord God Almighty is my first and foremost love, and that only by His grace.
The second great love I have is for my wife, who the Lord has chosen for me, and me only. I love her with all the love my Lord has given me, and there is no other mortal as wonderful as her. There is no one, and nothing that I love on this earth more than the woman that God has given me; and He has allowed us the great privilege of spending eternity together with Him.
My third great love is the love of my country. Though I do not, and would not, put anything on par with my Lord, I see America’s flag as the paradigm of freedom for the world, as one sees Calvary for a Monument for men’s souls. Yes, as Calvary represents the liberty we have in Christ, so the “Red, white, and blue” stands paramount above all other countries and banners; it represents, in the human world, what Calvary represents in the Christian realm.
It is almost as if the Lord Himself designed our flag, and inspired the name “Old Glory”;
The red symbolizes the blood of Christ which makes all men free;
The white represents righteousness, imparted to those who believe;
The blue shows the firmament, and God as Creator;
The stars remind me that he is the eternal God who lives beyond the stars;
And the stripes remind me that it is by His stripes that we are healed.
Yes, “old Glory” speaks of glory, and though it is not worthy to be exalted anywhere near our Lord, freedom is worth dying for.
Our Lord died to make us free; liberty was so important to Him that He made man a free moral agent, giving him the freedom to choose.
My first love is the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing supersedes the Love I have for Him. Men have jeopardized their lives for love of the Lord, because He has blessed them beyond comprehension. Thus, the Lord God Almighty is my first and foremost love, and that only by His grace.
The second great love I have is for my wife, who the Lord has chosen for me, and me only. I love her with all the love my Lord has given me, and there is no other mortal as wonderful as her. There is no one, and nothing that I love on this earth more than the woman that God has given me; and He has allowed us the great privilege of spending eternity together with Him.
My third great love is the love of my country. Though I do not, and would not, put anything on par with my Lord, I see America’s flag as the paradigm of freedom for the world, as one sees Calvary for a Monument for men’s souls. Yes, as Calvary represents the liberty we have in Christ, so the “Red, white, and blue” stands paramount above all other countries and banners; it represents, in the human world, what Calvary represents in the Christian realm.
It is almost as if the Lord Himself designed our flag, and inspired the name “Old Glory”;
The red symbolizes the blood of Christ which makes all men free;
The white represents righteousness, imparted to those who believe;
The blue shows the firmament, and God as Creator;
The stars remind me that he is the eternal God who lives beyond the stars;
And the stripes remind me that it is by His stripes that we are healed.
Yes, “old Glory” speaks of glory, and though it is not worthy to be exalted anywhere near our Lord, freedom is worth dying for.
Our Lord died to make us free; liberty was so important to Him that He made man a free moral agent, giving him the freedom to choose.
Monday, June 20, 2011
A Lying Tongue
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, (Prov. 6:17)
A “lying tongue is an abomination to the Lord (v. 16). Look at the company it runs with (vs. 17-19)! With friends like these, who needs enemies? The liar is in alliance with a proud person, and a murderer; a mischievous man; and a troublemaker among the brethren. It seems rather strange to us that a simple little lie would have such an impact on our lives, but it does. To lie is to deceive one’s spirit; to cheat one’s own heart; and that, my friends, is an abomination to the Lord. Lying brings serious repercussions. The lying tongue is but for a moment…it will ultimately lead to a narrow grave while truth is enduring, and lasts forever. Which would you prefer? Would you want a friend you could trust, or one that is full of deceit and folly? Others may wish that of you too! Be honest, even when it looks as if it is not to your advantage, God will see you through.
A “lying tongue is an abomination to the Lord (v. 16). Look at the company it runs with (vs. 17-19)! With friends like these, who needs enemies? The liar is in alliance with a proud person, and a murderer; a mischievous man; and a troublemaker among the brethren. It seems rather strange to us that a simple little lie would have such an impact on our lives, but it does. To lie is to deceive one’s spirit; to cheat one’s own heart; and that, my friends, is an abomination to the Lord. Lying brings serious repercussions. The lying tongue is but for a moment…it will ultimately lead to a narrow grave while truth is enduring, and lasts forever. Which would you prefer? Would you want a friend you could trust, or one that is full of deceit and folly? Others may wish that of you too! Be honest, even when it looks as if it is not to your advantage, God will see you through.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Finding the Peace of God
“Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” (Phil. 4:9)
“Learned” by personal experience, and observation of Truth.
Two Ways of learning:
1. Compiling known facts;
2. Experiencing first-hand.
“Received” Believed and applied Truths.
Two ways of receiving:
1. Accepting it as Truth indeed;
2. Making the Truth useful.
“Heard” Those things not yet understood, but known to be true.
1. Rumored;
2. Learned by seeking after Truth.
“Seen” In the Word of God.
1. By the examples of others;
2. By observing godly men.
The Bible is full of godly men; the God of peace be with you.
“Learned” by personal experience, and observation of Truth.
Two Ways of learning:
1. Compiling known facts;
2. Experiencing first-hand.
“Received” Believed and applied Truths.
Two ways of receiving:
1. Accepting it as Truth indeed;
2. Making the Truth useful.
“Heard” Those things not yet understood, but known to be true.
1. Rumored;
2. Learned by seeking after Truth.
“Seen” In the Word of God.
1. By the examples of others;
2. By observing godly men.
The Bible is full of godly men; the God of peace be with you.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Besetting sin
Besetting sin
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” (Heb. 12:1)
Maybe I should call this “Losing weight” because that is exactly what the apostle seems to be referring to here. Anyone who has lost a lot of weight knows how hard it can be to shed those pounds, and to keep them off. It takes a change in lifestyle; in eating habits; in exercising; and a lot of moxie and determination. Shedding those pounds does not come easily. Shedding those weights which so easily beset us in life can be just as hard, and maybe more so. These would, for many of us make the weight loss of the flesh as child’s play in comparison, and yet they are necessary to a healthy and happy spiritual life. Just as excess weight slows one down in the flesh, our spirits also need to be “cleaned up” and perked up by shedding the excess baggage we clutter our lives with. Though not all excess is sin, it is good to lay it aside and continue the race for the prize of the high calling of Christ.
Though we carry some baggage that is not necessarily sinful, we have some sins that we cling to, and will not let go of. They have grown on us, and become a part of us, and it is like losing weight to give them up, but those are the sins we must deal with before they consume us altogether. An obese spirit does not mean that we are more spiritual, on the contrary, it means we are lax in the care of excess baggage! Even as “spiritual beings” we can be so deeply rooted in the soils of earth that one could hardly tell us from the world; therefore, our testimony at least, is at stake, but even those hidden sins that are not seen by mortal eye need to be dealt with one by one. Are we up to it? I hope so. I would like to think that we all are able to exercise Jesus in our lives enough to shed the unwanted pounds of sin.
“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,” (Heb. 12:1)
Maybe I should call this “Losing weight” because that is exactly what the apostle seems to be referring to here. Anyone who has lost a lot of weight knows how hard it can be to shed those pounds, and to keep them off. It takes a change in lifestyle; in eating habits; in exercising; and a lot of moxie and determination. Shedding those pounds does not come easily. Shedding those weights which so easily beset us in life can be just as hard, and maybe more so. These would, for many of us make the weight loss of the flesh as child’s play in comparison, and yet they are necessary to a healthy and happy spiritual life. Just as excess weight slows one down in the flesh, our spirits also need to be “cleaned up” and perked up by shedding the excess baggage we clutter our lives with. Though not all excess is sin, it is good to lay it aside and continue the race for the prize of the high calling of Christ.
Though we carry some baggage that is not necessarily sinful, we have some sins that we cling to, and will not let go of. They have grown on us, and become a part of us, and it is like losing weight to give them up, but those are the sins we must deal with before they consume us altogether. An obese spirit does not mean that we are more spiritual, on the contrary, it means we are lax in the care of excess baggage! Even as “spiritual beings” we can be so deeply rooted in the soils of earth that one could hardly tell us from the world; therefore, our testimony at least, is at stake, but even those hidden sins that are not seen by mortal eye need to be dealt with one by one. Are we up to it? I hope so. I would like to think that we all are able to exercise Jesus in our lives enough to shed the unwanted pounds of sin.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
“And I give unto them eternal life;” (John 10: 28)
Where did God come from? Man cannot comprehend eternity with no beginning and no end. It makes no sense to the carnal mind that God has always existed, and was never created, but we believe it by faith. This mind-boggling truth is logically impossible, but nevertheless it is true. Why then is it so hard for us to believe that the Bible is the Word of God? Or that the earth was formed by God’s spoken Word, or any other great Truth of scripture? The Bible answers it simply in Mt 19:26 “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” It is not for us to know all things, that is God’s attribute, and His only. He must hold back some things and limit the human mind lest we presume to be like Him. “All things are possible” with our Lord, and nothing can confuse or confound Him. We must trust in His great wisdom, which is much greater than our own, and rely on His loving grace day by day to see us through. Everything man knows has a beginning and an end, everything except our God. What an amazing Being He is.
One day we will be a part of that vast eternity, entering into it by faith; this, of course, is not a surprise to our God who has determined before the foundation of the world that mortal men would lose their mortality, and enter into eternity. That day may be soon for some, and later for others, according to God’s perfect will, but all men are invited and find unity at Calvary.
“And I give unto them eternal life;” (John 10: 28)
Where did God come from? Man cannot comprehend eternity with no beginning and no end. It makes no sense to the carnal mind that God has always existed, and was never created, but we believe it by faith. This mind-boggling truth is logically impossible, but nevertheless it is true. Why then is it so hard for us to believe that the Bible is the Word of God? Or that the earth was formed by God’s spoken Word, or any other great Truth of scripture? The Bible answers it simply in Mt 19:26 “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.” It is not for us to know all things, that is God’s attribute, and His only. He must hold back some things and limit the human mind lest we presume to be like Him. “All things are possible” with our Lord, and nothing can confuse or confound Him. We must trust in His great wisdom, which is much greater than our own, and rely on His loving grace day by day to see us through. Everything man knows has a beginning and an end, everything except our God. What an amazing Being He is.
One day we will be a part of that vast eternity, entering into it by faith; this, of course, is not a surprise to our God who has determined before the foundation of the world that mortal men would lose their mortality, and enter into eternity. That day may be soon for some, and later for others, according to God’s perfect will, but all men are invited and find unity at Calvary.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Give Thanks
“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” 1 Thess. 5:18
The verse says “In” everything… not “for” everything. In other words,
in trials, we are to give thanks;
In rejoicing, we are to give thanks;
In fears we are to give thanks,
And in poverty or wealth, we are to give thanks.
No matter what state we are in, we are to give thanks, and we can if we realize that nothing comes our way but that it must go through the loving Father. Trials, fears, heartaches, sickness, whatever it may be, must be “filtered” through the loving grace of God; be assured, it will be ok if He has allowed it for us. What burden do you carry? What grief do you face? Remember that God has allowed it for you, and if he allows it, we need it, it fulfills His purpose in us. Trials are often a training ground for some, and a proving ground for others; either way, we come out better in the end; this we sometimes must accept by faith. Who loves us more than our Lord? Who wants the best for us more than the Lord? Don’t you see, these things are needed, though we may not understand why. Just quit complaining, and give thanks that you will be closer to what the Lord wants you to be because of the trials he allows you to have. We don’t have to give thanks for the parting of a loved one, or the tragic handicap that is thrown on us, but let us give thanks for the finished product that we are when we come out on the other side of the trial.
The verse says “In” everything… not “for” everything. In other words,
in trials, we are to give thanks;
In rejoicing, we are to give thanks;
In fears we are to give thanks,
And in poverty or wealth, we are to give thanks.
No matter what state we are in, we are to give thanks, and we can if we realize that nothing comes our way but that it must go through the loving Father. Trials, fears, heartaches, sickness, whatever it may be, must be “filtered” through the loving grace of God; be assured, it will be ok if He has allowed it for us. What burden do you carry? What grief do you face? Remember that God has allowed it for you, and if he allows it, we need it, it fulfills His purpose in us. Trials are often a training ground for some, and a proving ground for others; either way, we come out better in the end; this we sometimes must accept by faith. Who loves us more than our Lord? Who wants the best for us more than the Lord? Don’t you see, these things are needed, though we may not understand why. Just quit complaining, and give thanks that you will be closer to what the Lord wants you to be because of the trials he allows you to have. We don’t have to give thanks for the parting of a loved one, or the tragic handicap that is thrown on us, but let us give thanks for the finished product that we are when we come out on the other side of the trial.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Goodness and Mercy
Goodness and Mercy
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” Psa. 23:6
The Lord has promised that when I make Him my shepherd, these two fellows will follow me “all the days of my life”, the problem is, too often I do not recognize them! Sometimes they are disguised as financial woes; sometimes they wear the cloak of disease. There are times that they appear as heartache, and at times they are a blessing, and at times, it seems they are a bane, but their names never change; they are still Goodness and Mercy. The Lord knows what’s best for us. In His infinite wisdom, he removes the hedge of protection from us, and builds us into something greater. He did it with Job;
“Job 1:10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
Job 1:11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.
Job 1:12 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.”, and He showed Satan what faith can do. Has the Lord shown you what faith can do? Believe God; trust Him to do right by you, and see what He will do.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” Psa. 23:6
The Lord has promised that when I make Him my shepherd, these two fellows will follow me “all the days of my life”, the problem is, too often I do not recognize them! Sometimes they are disguised as financial woes; sometimes they wear the cloak of disease. There are times that they appear as heartache, and at times they are a blessing, and at times, it seems they are a bane, but their names never change; they are still Goodness and Mercy. The Lord knows what’s best for us. In His infinite wisdom, he removes the hedge of protection from us, and builds us into something greater. He did it with Job;
“Job 1:10 Hast not thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath on every side? thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his substance is increased in the land.
Job 1:11 But put forth thine hand now, and touch all that he hath, and he will curse thee to thy face.
Job 1:12 And the LORD said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD.”, and He showed Satan what faith can do. Has the Lord shown you what faith can do? Believe God; trust Him to do right by you, and see what He will do.
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