Monday, June 20, 2011

A Lying Tongue

A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, (Prov. 6:17)

A “lying tongue is an abomination to the Lord (v. 16). Look at the company it runs with (vs. 17-19)! With friends like these, who needs enemies? The liar is in alliance with a proud person, and a murderer; a mischievous man; and a troublemaker among the brethren. It seems rather strange to us that a simple little lie would have such an impact on our lives, but it does. To lie is to deceive one’s spirit; to cheat one’s own heart; and that, my friends, is an abomination to the Lord. Lying brings serious repercussions. The lying tongue is but for a moment…it will ultimately lead to a narrow grave while truth is enduring, and lasts forever. Which would you prefer? Would you want a friend you could trust, or one that is full of deceit and folly? Others may wish that of you too! Be honest, even when it looks as if it is not to your advantage, God will see you through.

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